Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Wednesday 31 July 2024

    Wed 31st Jul - staff check

    All 6 seen looking well near the ammo dump

    Trough working fine

    Monday 29 July 2024

    All 6 Ponies seen 09.00 - 09.15 Today, (Mon 29 Jul 24)

     Mon 29th .  08.40 - When cycling down track from compound, (in E6), I spotted two ponies, (P1 & 2) grazing in open area of D9.  

    I cycled down the track  on the border of C9/D9 and got off my bike walked a few yards from the bike and removed my helmet & glasses.  They approached slowly, but only one (P1) came close enough for a neck pat for a short while.

    After about 15 mins, two more appeared into the open scrub land. One of which is P3

    Then one of the original two walked up into the trees in D8.  After a while, I followed and watched that pony for about 10 mins grazing and occasionally scratching itself on trees

    As I was watching the pony in the trees on higher ground, I noticed that two other ponies had appeared in the open ground in D9.  

    For about ten minutes I watched ALL 6 Ponies, (5 grazing on the open ground in D9 and 1 in the  higher ground within the trees in D8..  I left at about 09.15.

    None of the ponies appeared, (in my limited opinion) to be distressed in any way.  The all appeared to be moving freely and contentedly grazing.

    Not able to photo all 6 ponies.  The three I did are captioned Ponies

    1-3.  Hope this assists

    Photo Captions did not appear on Blog, but if required I have captioned photos saved on laptop.

    Saturday 27 July 2024

    Saturday 27th July - All 6 seen

    The ponies were all relaxing under the shade of the trees around ///flush.passing.fluid at the southern end of the site at 14:45 this afternoon. They were all very friendly and came and said hello. The girls took it in turns to receive lots of ear, neck and back rubs. They were all happy, relaxed and looking really well. Despite being among the trees, there were still a lot of flies bothering them today. At around 15:15, the ponies wandered off north and started to graze. They were a lot quicker at getting through the thicket than me, but Bewitched and Davinia both waited for me. The ponies made it to the area around ///soil.jump.rolled near the main path ten minutes later. They continued to graze, enjoying lots of fresh grass and heather, but would take breaks to come and be stroked some more. After a while, they all set off again, wandering southwest through the thicket and reached the area around ///cheerily.rents.scenes at 15:50. They started to eat lots of grass. Florin came to say hello again and received a head rub before wandering a little to the south and having a roll around in some dirt.  I suspect she was trying to get rid of some flies and other beasties.  The ponies all followed her down the grass track, almost to the road.  They found a nice sunny spot where they continued to graze.  They soon moved into the heather and continued to graze west towards the vehicle entrance gate.  I said goodbye to them at 16:15.

    The cut on Bewitched's shoulder is healing well and was nice and clean today.

    The ponies were all good.


    Saturday 27th all 6 seen in E6 looking fine 11.45ish

    Seen by hubby and Ziggy..all together but he got distracted so only 4 on camera!

    Friday 26 July 2024

    Thursday 25 July 2024

    Thursday 25th July - All 6 seen

    Two ponies were grazing in the pasture around ///ducks.makeup.churn at 19:00 this evening.  When Driftaway saw me approaching from a distance, she came trotting through the thicket to meet me.  She was very friendly and was happy to stand and be stroked for a while.  I could hear the other ponies wandering through the trees to the south while giving her an ear rub.  The girls soon wandered northeast through the thicket and began to graze at the side of the path.

    The other four ponies emerged from the trees near the entrance to the car park soon after.  They all came and said hello before starting to munch on lots of fresh grass by the path.  It was great to see that Davinia had been accepted into the group and that the other ponies felt at ease with her.  The ponies all continued to graze, but would regularly come over to see me for more strokes.  I was receiving lots of gentle nuzzles in return.

    The ponies continued to graze along the side of the path and all came together shortly before 19:30.  They were all happy, relaxed and looking really well.  The cut on Bewitched's shoulder wasn't as red tonight and was looking nice and clean.

    I reluctantly said my goodbyes at around 19:45 with them all still happily grazing.  Davinia came over for a final neck rub just as I was starting to walk away.  It was nice to see them all settled and enjoying life on Hawley.

    The ponies were all good this evening.

    Tuesday 23 July 2024

    Tuesday 23rd July - Pony Update - All 6 seen

    Please be advised that Nicky took Polly home earlier this afternoon.  She is going to have her foot properly checked out.  There are now six ponies on the Hawley site.

    The ponies were busy exploring their holiday home when I met up with them around ///request.wrist.nerve at 19.20 this evening. They were all very friendly and came straight over to say hello. They seemed happy to see a familiar face, with lots of nuzzling and nickering going on. Davinia was holding back slightly, but soon came and said hello and received a neck rub. The other ponies continued to graze southwest along the track towards the ammo compound, while Davinia stayed with me and enjoyed a back rub. As the others were disappearing into the distance, we set off to catch up with them.
    The ponies crossed over the path and continued to follow the track south down towards the trees by the perimeter road, arriving around 19:45. Several came over to see me again. The dark pony, with the white star, has got a little cut on her right shoulder (photo below). It is unclear if she did it while in the trailer today or when she was exploring. Judging by the amount of gorse and other stickies present in her mane, which she was happy for me to remove, she had really been getting to know her new home. Nicky has been made aware.

    The ponies moved east through the woods and got to the entrance gate by the car park at 20.00. They set off grazing along the side of the path, enjoying lots of long grass. The girls continued for a while, before turning around and heading back to where they started. The ponies were all happy, relaxed and appeared settled. Hopefully, they'll continue to make friends with Davinia and accept her into the group. I said my goodbyes just after 20:15.
    There was a large military presence on site this evening, particularly in the area to the north of the ammo compound where they'd set up camp. The ponies were all good this evening.

    Tuesday 23rd all seen in I3/4 Polly is still limping

     We found all 7 at 12 noon after they had stopped running around. All very calm

    Polly is still limping front left foot. You could see it when she ran. I cannot see anything obvious on the leg/foot. She was happy to have a stroke.

    Video emailed to Nicky

    More pony's on site

    We have added more pony's to site today. Making a total of 7 now. The extra ones will be on site until next week then back off again. This is to avoid the air show noise as much as possible.


    Grazing team

    Sunday 21 July 2024

    Sunday 21st July - All 2 seen - Polly is limping on her front left foot

    Polly was happily grazing in the area around ///misfits.retain.widen, near the entrance by the car park, at 18:00 this evening. She immediately came over to say hello and was happy to receive a long head rub and neck rub. She was relaxed and looking really well. I was wondering where Davinia was, when she came running out of the thicket and straight over to say hello. She was very friendly and was gently nuzzling my arm. The ponies took it in turns to stand in the sunshine and be stroked for the next half hour.
    The girls then started to graze along the side of the path, enjoying lots of fresh grass. However, I soon noticed that Polly would limp when she set off walking. She seemed okay on subsequent steps. It appeared to be her front-left foot that was causing her some discomfort. She was able to put her full weight on her foot and there didn't appear to be any visible injury. Some photos and a video have been shared with the owner. We should keep an eye on her to make sure things don't get any worse.

    The girls continued to graze in the warm evening sunshine. They'd regularly take breaks to come over for more strokes. They were initially heading in the direction of the ammo dump, but after a while turned around to graze back towards the entrance. I said goodbye to them just after 19:15 with them both still munching on grass and some leaves.
    The ponies were both good, but we should keep an eye on Polly's foot.

    Sunday 21st 12.43 both seen in E4 looking fine

     Both seen in E4 Polly enjoyed a chin rub

    Sunday 14 July 2024

    Sunday 14th July - All 2 seen

    Both ponies were at the entrance gate by the car park at 15:35 this afternoon. They were both pleased to see me, with Davinia making lovely little nickering sounds. The girls were happy to receive head and neck rubs before letting me through the gate. It was quite the welcoming party 😍. The ponies took it in turns to stand and receive neck and back rubs. By 16:00, they got back to grazing the surrounding area, enjoying lots of fresh grass. Soon after, they wandered into the trees to the northeast of the entrance gate, where they continued to graze. It was quite the obstacle course, with fallen trees and other thicket to navigate. The ponies would frequently take a break from eating lots of long grasses to come over for more strokes. They were both happy, relaxed and looking well. While the ponies were grazing, I did a spot of litter picking, removing lots of rubbish and broken glass. There were a couple of chunks of discarded metal which I also removed. I also discovered some thick metal wire connected to concrete blocks, and while I couldn't pull the wire out, I was able to bend it so it no longer had sharp edges. There was a large metal structure among the trees around ///ethic.media.senders Also, a sharp, rusty pole sticking out of a concrete block around ///cassettes.guides.dining which I was unable to do anything with. There are photos below for reference.
    I said goodbye to the girls, with them both still grazing among the trees, at 17:00. The ponies were both good today.

    Saturday 5th October - All 8 seen

    The ponies were grazing near ///toffee.foggy.directs at 15:00 this afternoon, enjoying the warm, sunny weather. They were all happy, relaxed...