Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Saturday 31 August 2024

    Saturday 31st August - All 6 seen

    Five of the ponies were happily grazing in the area around ///wand.lifts.topical at 13:35 this afternoon. They were all very friendly and came over to say hello. Several were happy to stand and receive head and neck rubs. It was really noticeable that they are starting to grow their winter coats now. The wound on the darker pony is looking much better. The ponies were all happy, relaxed, and looking well.

    At 14:00, the sixth pony was found resting on the east side of the ammo compound. She greeted me warmly, softly nickering as I approached, followed by lots of gentle nuzzles. She was happy to stand and enjoy a long back and shoulder rub while resting a hind leg and bowing her head. The wounds on her side are continuing to heal nicely.

    About twenty minutes later, I returned to the first group and found them wandering northeast along the grass track. They soon stopped to graze in the pasture around ///lows.justifies.deed, enjoying the long grass, heather and the occasional bit of gorse. The sixth pony joined them at 14:30, and all six continued grazing together. The ponies gradually wandered back to the grass track and came over to see me. Several of them  enjoyed more strokes and rubs while standing and relaxing. I said my goodbyes around 15:15. It was lovely to spend some quiet time with them this afternoon.

    The ponies were all good today.

    Saturday 31st 2 in I7 and 4 seen in F7 area 12.20


    Friday 30 August 2024

    Fri 30 Aug 24 (08.30 - 09.15) Found 4 out of the 6 Ponies.

    Found them after about 25 mins searching.  They were just 20 yards SW of the track near the cattle grid in J7.  Stayed with them taking photos for about 15 mins, as they happily grazed and made their was through the gorse towards the clearing in I7.  

    I then left them and completed a circuit of the tracks & trails in the rest of the grazing area, but was unable to see the other two ponies.

    Wednesday 28 August 2024

    Wednesday 28th - Morning

     Found all 6 ponies around the ammo dump at ///clays.boomers.sulk.  They all looked well with no visible issues.

    I went and checked the water trough.  It looks like the ball valve is starting to dribble.  The other day the trough was just dripping over the top but today it looked to be a bit worse.

    On my return the ponies were heading off in the direction of the trough.

    Tuesday 27 August 2024

    Tuesday 27th I could not fine them either despite Ziggy trying hard.

     Water trough is full and looks good.

    Tue 27 Aug 24. (11.40 - 12.40). I failed to spot a single pony

     I mountain-biked every road, fire track and singletrack in the area but failed to get a single sight, (or sound) of any pony.    I even followed several probable pony-made trails and all I got was grazed arms from the thorns.   Ponies 1   Man-on-Mountain Bike 0. 

    Still it was a lovely morning and I did see & hear the buzzard in the clearing to the SW of the Ammo Dump compound.

    Sunday 25 August 2024

    Sunday 25th August - All 6 seen

    Four ponies were resting in the sunshine in the area around ///dated.exits.boxer at 15:30 this afternoon. They were being bothered by a large number of flies, and were having to swish their tails, shake their heads and stamp their feet to get rid of them. Despite this, the girls all wandered over to give me a lovely welcome. They were happy to stand and receive neck and back rubs, which gave them some respite from the flies. The ponies were all happy and relaxed, and were often seen bowing their heads and resting a back leg. The other two ponies were grazing a bit further up the strip to the southeast. They slowly made their way to the main group, stopping to have a drink from a ditch that had plenty of water in it following yesterday's rain. They both came and said hello before joining the other ponies. The ponies were happy to stand and be stroked one at a time as they rested. Several repositioned themselves to stand close to me, resting their heads against my shoulder. They were all very friendly. The wounds on the two injured ponies are looking good and are continuing to heal nicely. I said my goodbyes just after 16:30. The ponies were all good this afternoon.

    Saturday 5th October - All 8 seen

    The ponies were grazing near ///toffee.foggy.directs at 15:00 this afternoon, enjoying the warm, sunny weather. They were all happy, relaxed...